The community of Wan Yang are determined to overcome the obstacles in their path. Their village chief, Kua Man, smiled when he showed us their bright school bursting with children, because it hadn’t always been that way...

Located in a remote part of Myanmar, the Wan Yang community have never had the chance to attend a government school. They live too far away and can’t speak Burmese, the language the national curriculum is taught in. Without any basic skills, most of the community members relied on farming to earn a living. 

Striving to break the cycle of illiteracy, Kua Man galvanised his community and, together, they built a basic school in the centre of their village. However, without enough money to pay teachers and buy resources, they were soon forced to shut down the school. 

But Kua Man was persistent and - thanks to your support - the picture looks different today. In 2019, the Wan Yang community partnered with us to develop a Community Learning Site. This programme involves working with local people to transform their old buildings into thriving schools. Together, we’ve renovated the rooms and kitted them out with learning essentials, like desks, chairs and whiteboards.

We’ve also trained two teachers, who can speak both Burmese and the local language, Lahu. Determined to make this project a success, the community built these teachers a small house next to the school so they don’t have to make a long journey everyday. 

The regional education authorities are also committed to the success of the school, having witnessed the dedication of the local people. Next year, they’ve agreed to provide a government teacher. In the long-term, they will transition the school into their own system, meaning it will never be forced to close down again. 

Now, Kua Man and his community are hopeful for the future. They are proud of the school and of their children, who are learning the skills they never could. Education is giving their children the power to decide their own future.  

Your support will give communities like Wan Yang a helping hand. Just £85 could sponsor a child's education in Myanmar for one year.

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